成花林讲师 硕导
社会兼职:中国钢结构协会钢与混凝土组合结构分会 理事
1. Cheng Hualin; Martin Mergili; Huang Yu*. Numerical analysis of debris flow erosion in the mountainous areas affected by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake using a depth-averaged two-phase model, Natural Hazards, 2022, 116, 193–212.
2. Cheng Hualin; Zhang Bei; Huang Yu*. SPH-based numerical study on the influence of baffle height and inclination on the interaction between granular flows and baffles, Water, 2022,14(19): 3063.
3. Cheng Hualin; Huang Yu*; Zhang Weijie; Xu Qiang. Physical process-based runout modeling and hazard assessment of catastrophic debris flow using SPH incorporated with ArcGIS: A case study of the Hongchun gully, Catena, 2022, 212: 106052.
4. Cheng Hualin; Chen Zhiyi; Huang Yu*. A quantitative physical vulnerability model for buildings to urban flow slides in construction solid waste landfills: A case study of the 2015 Shenzhen flow slide, Natural Hazards, 2022, 112, 1567–1587.
5. Cheng Hualin; Zhou Jiamin; Chen Zhiyi; Huang Yu*. A Comparative Study of the Seismic Performances and Failure Mechanisms of Slopes Using Dynamic Centrifuge Modeling, Journal of Earth Science, 2021, 32: 1166-1173.
6. Li Wei; Cheng Hualin*; Dai, Zili*. Propagation Modeling of Rainfall-Induced Landslides: A Case Study of the Shaziba Landslide in Enshi, China, Water, 2023, 5(3), 424.
7. Huang Yu*, Cheng Hualin. A simplified analytical model for run-out prediction of flow slides in municipal solid waste landfills. Landslides, 2017, 14 (1): 99-107.
8. Huang Yu*; Cheng Hualin; Osada Tatsuya; HosoyaAsahiro; Zhang Feng. Mechanical Behavior of Clean Sand at Low Confining Pressure: Verification with Element and Model Tests. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2015, 06015005.
9. Huang Yu*; Cheng Hualin; Dai, Zili; Xu Qiang. SPH-based numerical simulation of catastrophic debris flows after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2015, 74(4): 1137-1151.
10. Huang Yu*; Cheng Hualin. The impact of climate change on coastal geological disasters in southeastern China. Natural Hazards, 2013, 65(1): 377-390.
1. 一种土体大变形灾害简化评估方法(ZL201810585768.8)
2. 一种用于大型振动台实验平台的土体流动模型试验系统(ZL201811554680.6)
3. 一种岩土材料流滑灾变的计算模拟方法(ZL201210292028.8)
1. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步一等奖,2019年(第五完成人)
2. 上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生,2017年